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Green Innovations & Sustainability

With a sustainability industry in flux, the rise of international activism, and new attention on the environment sector on a global scale, clients need translation partners with specialised expertise at a time when the topic is more urgent than ever before. As a consultant to Learning for Sustainability Scotland, I have a profound interest in this sector and am determined to make a positive impact on society and the planet. Examples of work include the translation of reports and press releases on efficient agritech solutions as part of Agropole's PR strategy; Telma winning a sustainable development award at the 2017 Solutrans Innovation Awards; Geneva Airport's renewal of its ACA 3+ carbon certification; a Le Monde article calling for the sharing of the planet’s resources; reports for sustainable mobility company Ciclogreen. ​ I have completed various online courses, including - Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (in progress); - Plants and Climate Change, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (2021); - Climate Justice, Students for Global Health (2021); - Introduction to Campaigning, Friends of the Earth (in progress); - Climate Emergency Training for Community Leaders, Keep Scotland Beautiful (2021); - Sustainable Packaging in a Circular Economy, Delft University of Technology (2021); - Global Energy and Climate Policy, SOAS University of London (2020); - Sustainable Fashion, Copenhagen Business School (2020); - Climate Change: Solutions, University of Exeter (2019); - Global Sustainability and corporate social responsibility, Macquarie University (2019). To continually further my knowledge and understanding, I regularly attend talks and conferences on Climate Justice, Sustainability Partnerships, Climate Issues, Divestment, Taking Action for the Green Recovery, and events such as Brodie’s Environmental Law lectures at Edinburgh University, the UN Global Compact Network UK's series on SDG Integration, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Columbia’s Centre on Global Energy Policy’s annual Global Energy Summit, and Scottish Communities Climate Action Network on Communicating Climate Science.

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